Thursday 4 June 2015

Solidago Flowers

Solidago, commonly called goldenrods, is a genus of about 100 to 120 species of flowering plants in the aster family, Asteraceae. Solidago a Latin term for the goldenrod plant, whose name means, “to strengthen or make whole”. Most are herbaceous perennial species found in open areas such as meadows, prairies, and savannas. They are mostly native to North America, including Mexico; a few species are native to South America and Eurasia. Some American species have also been introduced into Europe and other parts of the world. 
You will find that the majority of these flowers are actually perennials, which means that they will keep coming back time and time again. These are found all over, and they are more common to North America than anywhere else. However, if you are looking for them, look in places where you wouldn’t expect to see a lot of beautiful flowers. You will find that the solidago will grow in meadows, pastures, and even in ditches alongside the road. This flower is yellow and doesn’t grow tall, it is a cute little flower that looks great and dresses up the roadsides all across America and in places where you would least expect it.
Solidago species are perennials growing from woody caudices or rhizomes. Their stems can be decumbent to ascending or erect, ranging in height from 5 to 100 or more cm. Some species have stems that branch near the top. Some Solidago species are hairless others have strigose, strigillose, hispid, or short-villous hairs.
Solidago virgaurea is an herbaceous perennial plant of the family Asteraceae. It is grown as a garden flower with many different cultivars. Its flowers profusely in late summer.
All About the Solidago Flower
The solidago flower is also known as a goldenrod and that is what most people know it as. This is a beautiful flower that has many uses and something that a lot of people really appreciate for more than just the beautiful color that it offers. Whether you want to grow it, put it in bouquets, or use it for other purposes, the goldenrod or the solidago is a great idea for a flower that you can use for many different things.
Uses for the Solidago Flower
There is a word of warning that should be issued about this flower. For a lot of people it can be the cause of hay fever, so if you are susceptible to that, you probably want to stay away from this plant and you don’t want to put it in your yard. With that said, there are a lot of great uses for the flower. Some people actually use it in tea and it can be edible when it is cooked or boiled, that is a great use for this. Other people will use it to give to people as a sign of good luck and good fortune.
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